Thursday, August 4, 2016

6 Money Goals to Help Build Your Future

 How do you work toward a better chance at a stable financial future? The financial advisor team in St. Louis knows that the future is unpredictable, so it is best to be financially prepared for events that may arise down the road. It may seem overwhelming now, but following these six goals that Bogetto & Associates has provided can help you feel more secure in your financial future. You never know what will happen in the future, but being financially prepared can help reduce stress and worry about it.

1. Create A Budget

Allocate your money into a set budget. This can help reduce on unnecessary expenses that you can in turn add to your investment and saving funds. Once you set a budget, try to stick to it. Budgeting is the first step when it comes to building wealth for your future.

2. Reduce Expenses

Through reduction of your expenses, you can have more money to save or invest to reach your future financial goals. Think about your monthly expenses versus what you actually use. Do you have a landline phone or a gym membership that goes unused each month? Cutting back on the amount you spend eating out can free up some money as well. These area easy ways to reduce on your monthly outgoing expenses.

3. Save For Emergency Fund

An emergency fund can help pay for unexpected expenses, like medical bills, employment changes, or vehicle repairs. It is recommended to have a fund stashed away to help you get by on six to twelve months of expenses.

4. Build Good Credit

Credit can impact everyone’s lives. Establishing and maintaining good credit can help you by securing better rates on loans and credit cards. This can also save you money in the long run by borrowing at a lower interest rate.

5. Add To Retirement Savings

Retirement is a time to enjoy friends and family, without the worry of work. You work hard your entire life for this freedom. With a retirement nest egg, it is important to contribute regularly to build up your fund over time. Saving for retirement can help ensure that you can enjoy it, when it comes time to retire.

6. Pay Off Debt

Relieving yourself of the weight of debt can help you reallocate that money to a savings or investment fund. It is suggested that you pay off your debt with the highest interest rate first, typically credit cards, and then move on to the next highest rate of debt you owe.

The only thing certain about the future, is that it is uncertain. You can help better prepare yourself for the unknown by financial planning. The financial advisors in St. Louis want to help you plan and prepare for your future financial situations. Setting goals is the first step in the process. The six goals provided are a great way to start financially preparing yourself for the unknown. We would be pleased to help you set and work toward achieving your unique financial goals.


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Securities offered through First Heartland Capital, IncMember FINRA/SIPC
Bogetto Financial is not affiliated with First Heartland Capital, Inc.  

Bogetto & Associates does not provide legal or tax advice.  These topics are discussed in conjunction with your CPA, Tax Advisor and Attorney.

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